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Artificial Intelligence TV Set-Top Box

AI Set-Top Boxes

KAON's AI media device combines various form-factors(AI STB, Smart Display, AI Speaker) into a single device with voice interface. With our products, service providers can delivers a variety of services such as entertainment, home IoT, education and music.

AI Assistant

Helps Smart Life
- Schedule Management
- Input/Search Schedule
- Transrustation info
- Search the route and time
- Check weather
- Search Wikipedia
- Order food delivery
- Call taxi
- Emotional Communication

Home IoT

Strrusthens Convenience
- Alarm
- Control light
- Check/ Control gas valve
- Check/ Control door-lock
- Others (Air purifier,
Vacuuming robot, etc.)

Media Service

Provides Quality of Content
- 4K UHD content available
- Control TV function (Channel,
sound, etc.)
- Content recommendation
- Premium sound by Harman
- Music streaming

Video Communication

Enhances Interaction via TV
- Video call available
- Monitor home
- Most of commands can be
displayed on TV screen

AI Set-top Boxes

Product Portfolio